Effect of Brazil Nuts on Selenium Status, Blood Lipids, and Biomarkers of Oxidative Stress and Inflammation: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Clinical Trials (bibtex)
by Godos J, Giampieri F, Micek A, Battino M, Forbes-Hernández Ty, Quiles Jl, Paladino N, Falzone L and Grosso G
Tree nuts, including Brazil nuts, have been hypothesized to impact cardiovascular health through the modulation of oxidative stress and inflammation. Nonetheless, a quantitative analysis of these effects has not been performed. Therefore, the aim of this study was to systematically revise and quanti łdots
Effect of Brazil Nuts on Selenium Status, Blood Lipids, and Biomarkers of Oxidative Stress and Inflammation: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Clinical Trials (Godos J, Giampieri F, Micek A, Battino M, Forbes-Hernández Ty, Quiles Jl, Paladino N, Falzone L and Grosso G), In Antioxidants (Basel, Switzerland), volume 11, 2022.
Bibtex Entry:
	abstract = {Tree nuts, including Brazil nuts, have been hypothesized to impact cardiovascular health through the modulation of oxidative stress and inflammation. Nonetheless, a quantitative analysis of these effects has not been performed. Therefore, the aim of this study was to systematically revise and quanti {\ldots}},
	author = {J, Godos and F, Giampieri and A, Micek and M, Battino and Ty, Forbes-Hern{\'a}ndez and Jl, Quiles and N, Paladino and L, Falzone and G, Grosso},
	date-modified = {2023-01-02 19:47:05 +0000},
	doi = {10.3390/antiox11020403},
	issn = {2076-3921},
	journal = {Antioxidants (Basel, Switzerland)},
	keywords = {Brazil Nuts, Nuts; Selenium; Lipids},
	language = {en},
	month = feb,
	note = {Publisher: Antioxidants (Basel)},
	number = {2},
	pmid = {35204285},
	shorttitle = {Effect of {Brazil} {Nuts} on {Selenium} {Status}, {Blood} {Lipids}, and {Biomarkers} of {Oxidative} {Stress} and {Inflammation}},
	title = {Effect of {Brazil} {Nuts} on {Selenium} {Status}, {Blood} {Lipids}, and {Biomarkers} of {Oxidative} {Stress} and {Inflammation}: {A} {Systematic} {Review} and {Meta}-{Analysis} of {Randomized} {Clinical} {Trials}},
	urldate = {2022-10-10},
	volume = {11},
	year = {2022},
	bdsk-url-1 = {https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35204285/},
	bdsk-url-2 = {https://doi.org/10.3390/antiox11020403}}
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